Tuesday, October 02, 2007

All Female Family Vacation...

Well, I have finally recovered from my trip to Florida with the women in my family, 1 mom, 2 aunts and 2 cousins made the trip. Exactly WHEN did this sound like a good idea????? Oh yes, one of the cousins is pregnant. Well, we did enjoy some beverages and if you can't tell, this little picture is of a monkey - a monkey that hangs on the side of your drinks, one of my aunts brought them along for the festivity and they became a joke about being the object of affection for the little geckos/lizards that were everywhere down there. Sick humor, yes, I am aware.

Let's just say, families feel free to be themselves, the good, the bad, and the ugly with each other. We had lots of laughs, but bad moods were evident and feelings were hurt at times, I guess that it just the way families are - or is it just mine?

At home now, D and Meesta have colds. The old house is hopefully going to be sold/close at the very end of October/beginning of November, seriously praying that it does.

D was officially commissioned into the United States Navy as an ensign on Friday, the first layer in the officer realm. The ceremony was short and sweet but very meaningful and truly signifies a new adventure for our family.

I have also been working on getting my application in for a PhD program and it is almost done...so I am about to embark on something I have always wanted to complete.

The kids are doing well though, I am running too much and 1st grade is still kicking our behinds, but we are making it.

Be back soon!



Anonymous said...

I've never been on a vacation with just my sisters and mom ... I think you are braver than I am!;)
Congrats to D... Or should I say "Ensign D"!! :-)
And wowie wow wow... a PhD? Just not busy enough, huh? LOL. :)

Heather BT said...

You, woman, are just incredible! 3 kids, job, tabitha, and a PhD. I am in awe. I'm happy with getting laundry done!
Heather BT

CC said...

Ok, in all fairness, I won't know until later this week if I am accepted into the program (so hopefully that will be today or Friday) - AND, it will take me about 4 years...so it will be a while.

I promise, I am your average chick:)