Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Get Thee to DSW!

No, this is not a paid advertisement, but go, run, do not walk to DSW Shoe Warehouse. I just did a bit of retail therapy for my upcoming trip to Atlanta and went in - I came out 20 minutes, 4 pair of shoes, and $61.00 later. Wow.

I am presenting at a conference and am beginning to get nervous, hopefully it will go well. It is talking on what I do all the time for a living so it should not be a big deal, but still, it is the presenting in front of a bunch of strangers. I need to spend some time practicing it and then I will get comfortable.

More later - thanks D and Chris - I still read you all faithfully, glad you missed me!


1 comment:

Denise Mall said...

I love DSW!!! This store was created for women!! A place to escape from our everyday stresses.

Good luck with your presentation. I, not that this is in my life anymore - but in years past, found that the more I rehearsed, the better I was, the more relaxed - the less often I needed to look at my notes. When this happens, I can relate more to the audience. So, practice, practice, practice.

No time? Record yourself reciting the speech and play it over and over again in your IPod or in the car.