So, since I last wrote, I have finally made my way to Europe and back. I had a trip for work to Geneva to our affiliate and D went with me and it was a nice get away. My company has a very large multi-drug resistant TB project that I have volunteered to help out with regarding communications and that was the reason for my trip. The nongovernmental organization (NGO) link with private companies is such a powerful union and I think that this will likely be my future direction in some way or another, who knows? The lady who leads it agreed to be a mentor of sorts regarding my research, so that is a very beneficial aspect of the trip.
What was missing from the trip? For the first 3 days, our luggage. Continental did NOT get high marks at all. My colleague who also traveled for the same purpose with Continental also had lost luggage, but for him it was only a day. And the kids. I miss them terribly after about 3 days.
But, that was the trip, I have been to Geneva, it is a fun city with wayyyy to many people who smoke, but lovely rosti, wine, cheese, and lovely little sandwiches. I made some nice acquaintances and who knows what the future will hold.
As for today, Harbour got "fixed" yesterday, so I stayed home with her today as she was not supposed to be alone and then Miss Shenzy had a fever and a nasty cough, so I am home with both of them today. I am 2 days late in sending in an assignment for school, I have jet lag, but we just inaugurated Obama as president and I find myself so incredibly hopeful for our nation and our reputation around the world. I have watched the events unfold today and was inspired by his speech, and loved the benediction given.
I have hope for the future of my non-Caucasian children, I think today truly marks a new chapter in our country. I don't like Obama because of his skin color, but for what he stands for and the hope he has inspired in so many. However, his advancement makes it possible for those who come after him to have a little bit less of a struggle because of skin color. Thank you President Obama for following the path so many blazed before you and for taking it further than anyone else has been able to before, on behalf of my children, thank you! I will pray daily for your safety, for your wisdom and for the health and safety of your whole family.