Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Christmas Rush

Well, Christmas Day will be here before we know it, and while I am desperately trying to keep the complete commercialization of this Holy day from from altering my kids knowledge of what this is about...there are still presents to purchase, a house to decorate, cookies to make, and a plethora of other things...

I am trying to get a box off to our older girls in Cambodia and that has been a challenge to say the least. I had a major guilt session and decided that I needed to go and get something for ALL the children who live with them, given that they will have a sizeable loot from us and the majority of the other kids there don't have "parents" like our girls do. So, off to the D*llar store and whalllla!, I have something for everyone. Tonight I must get everything organized, labelled, fun!

Weight loss and working out are still on the forefront of my mind - back up a pound, but I am sure it is just water adjustments because I have still been eating well and have exercised 3 days in a row. Did ya read that??? - 3 DAYS IN A ROW. This is in and of itself a record.

Okay, just touching base for the day.



Anonymous said...

3 days in a row and no cheating! I'm impressed. If you keep it up, we're pretty much guaranteed NOT to see that photo! Good Job!!!

cc said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, I know it is relief just to NOT see that picture ;)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, keep it up, that way I have to be good too!